How We Can Easily Balance Omnimechs (Weapons Are Another Issue)
Posted 16 October 2013 - 08:13 AM
This article outlines the OmniMech as it appears in Canon.
In Canon, OmniMechs make use of "Omni-pods" which can mount almost anything. However anything mounted on the mech's base chassis, (armor, engine, any equipment such as heatsinks, and occasionally weapons) are not removable. Removing them effectively hardwires anything else to the omnimech and makes it into a battlemech.
The problem with Omnimechs in the past was that because they literally had NO limitations (except in mechwarrior 4 when they were barely different from regular battlemechs except for a few Omni hard points here and there). You could alter the engine, base heatsinks, and armor as much as you wanted, and that made the choice of Omni over battlemech a very easy one.
Here is my solution to balance Omni-Mechs with inner sphere battlemechs and even clan upgraded battlemechs such as the Highlander IIC and jenner IIC. Spoiler alert, it does not involve making them prohibitively costly, as that would only reinforce p2w and couldnt really work without repair and rearm, which was removed from the game during closed beta.
Omnimechs have a set number of Omnipods on each mech (they work like hard points but without the type limitations). Omnimechs still obey the critical slots rules. Implement a dynamic scaling system that will fill unused Omniports on all parts of the mechs when large weapons are installed. (EX: Installing a pair of Clan LBX AC20s will begin restricting your other omni points the same way endo steel and ferro will fill critical slots in a dynamic fashion).
Do away with the "modifying base equipment converts it into a battlemech" aspect of Omnimechs. As omnimechs come with an engine, equipment, armor, and a set of heatsinks hard wired into the chassis, these are not removable, and should not be removable at any time. PGI could add variation to different omnimechs and artifically create multiple variants by altering the hard wired components on each mech. (EX: Omnimech variant A has ECM and a clan XL350 engine with X tonnes of armor and 10 clan double heatsinks hard wired into the chassis, whilst Omnimech variant B has no ECM, a clan XL 360, y tonnes of armor and 10 double heatsinks hard wired into the chassis). This could make sure that while they balance omnis in a way that limits cheese builds, every canon build (no matter how crappy) can be built on at least one variant.
The most important part of this is that the engines CANNOT be modified. This can be a huge deal in some cases, such as with the Atlas and Direwolf. Normally I would pick the direwolf any day, and though it will still outgun an atlas, the standard atlas brawling ddc employs a standard 350 engine and moves at over 60 kph with speed tweak. A direwolf would be stuck at 54 kph max speed and this makes mechwarriors think for a minute, "do i want versitile firepower or control over speed and armor?")
Armor cannot be modified anywhere on the mech. Additional heat sinks can be added provided you have the pod space. Equipment such as case and bap could be added, but any equipment hard wired to the chassis (such as the hellbringer's ECM) is not removable.
In canon, omni pods only fit weapons designed for omnimechs. This seems pretty complex and would just add an artifical division to the list of available weapons. This requirement should be relaxed. Weapons can be mixed tech, equipment should not be.
Clan is OP, to nerf, add dynamic omnipods to omnimechs, hardwired equipment such as base heatsinks, armor, and ENGINES cannot be removed or modified in any way, though multiple variants with different hard wired equipment and engines could be available. Weapons are mixed tech, equipment is pure tech (no clan heatsinks/equipment on IS/IS heatsinks/equipment on clan)
Posted 16 October 2013 - 08:36 AM
Posted 16 October 2013 - 08:54 AM
so if i have 2 pods, totaling to 24 slots, and i put in those clan lbx20s, i have SpaceNow = 24 - 2(C LBX20 slots).
but where do the extra dynamic slots come in to prevent the cheese boats? i get the "limit # of omnipods", but not so sure about how the slots work, asides from them shifting around based on what weapons you put in them.
mind writing an equation? It's a simple math thing, but i couldn't quite get it from just text

Posted 16 October 2013 - 09:10 AM
There's probably a way to right it down as an algorithm but i cant quite figure it out yet.
Simpler example
1 medium laser = 1/4 of a crit slot = rounded down to no change
2 medium lasers = 1/2 (1/4 from each) of a crit slot = rounded down to no change
4 medium lasers = 1 crit slot taken up by dynamic system
Edited by pbiggz, 16 October 2013 - 09:13 AM.
Posted 16 October 2013 - 09:32 AM
Posted 16 October 2013 - 09:42 AM
1) It's unlikely that PGI will retro-actively impose hardpoint size restrictions, or any huge game changing re-balance of the 'Mech Chassis.
2) Clan tech is fun. There is no way that they will alienate an entire player base that has spent tons of money and time investing in Inner Sphere mechs. Customization is also king in MWO, I imagine they will find some way for clan mechs to be customize able.
3) MWO is an "interpretation" of battle tech. They've been following the Table Top closely in some regards, and not others. For example, heat scaling is it's own design, but default load outs are true to the Technical Readouts to the point of being un-useful in MWO. My point here is that there is room for interpretation that isn't necessarily reflective of the Table Top.
Finally, I would like to advise caution with all of the speculation. If everyone gets an idea in their head how Clan tech should work, then there's going to be another scuffle when they finally release details, and PGI's vision doesn't meet the vastly different speculations on the forums.
That in mind, feel free to continue discussing. Clan are awesome, and it's totally natural to be interested in how they will work in an online shooter. Personally, i'm going to continue to be cautious and wait for PGI to talk about it and avoid getting my hopes up for any one plan.
Edited by Flavious59, 16 October 2013 - 09:44 AM.
Posted 16 October 2013 - 09:45 AM
My proposal was originally similar to yours. Initially, every clan omnimech's internals, equipment, and engines are entirely OFF LIMITS in the mechlab. These componenets CANNOT be altered if they are to retain being omnimechs as per Canon.
The tradeoff here is that every omnimechs has their own set of hardpoints (lets use the Timberwolf as a good go to). The Twolf here would have a set number of HardPoints and Omnipods to use for their weapon loadouts; still restrained by critical slot use (although, really a non-issue with clan tech taking very few crits).
So lets say the base hardpoints and omnipods for the Twolf Prime is
LA - 1 energy, 1 omni
RA - 1 energy, 1 omni
RT - 1 missile, 1 omni, 1 energy
LT - 1 missile, 1 omni , 1 energy
CT - 2 ballistic
These hardpoints would encompass the base loadout of 2 ER Llas, 2 ER mLas, 1 ER mpLas, and 2 Cmguns. The omnipods and hardpoints weapons (and ammo being placed anywhere, damn you OP clan CASE!) would be entirely changeable at the users will, at the normal restrictions of critical slots, and hardpoints. So, you want a quad LBX10 Twolf? Fine, you're now stuck with the Stock armor engine, equipment and HS. They cannot be altered if you want to use those omni-pods for that.
However, should the user want to swap out the engine, add more armor, or add more equipment/heat sinks? A prompt would pop-up saying "Warning! Altering the internals would revert this omnimech to a battlemech! Do you wish to continue?" and in doing so, the omnimech then reverts back to a standard battlemech, fully able to swap out all internals, armor and engines par usual.
Here is the trade-off though from Canon. You lose those onmni-pods. Now that your Twolf is now reverted back to a standard Battlemech, here are it new hardpoints...
LA - 1 energy
RA - 1 energy
RT - 1 missile, 1 energy
LT - 1 missile , 1 energy
CT - 2 ballistic
You just traded away an omnimechs biggest advantage for a battlemechs biggest advantage. As for Standard Clan Battlemechs like the Grizzly, Kodiak or Supernova; the ability to convert these mechs to an omni is not possible, therefore you can never gain omni-pods on these mechs (or any standard IS battlemech for that matter).
Same rule applies to future IS Omnimechs like the Avatar, Owens, or Templar.
Here is the rule set base for this reference.
Oh, also forgot...
All clan weapons can be equipped on IS chassis. This is possible on MANY canon variants that utilize clan technology. Clan Equipment STAYS ON CLAN MECHS ONLY!
Weapons - Mix Tech
Equipment - Pure Tech.
Sorry, no Clan DHS or Endo on your IS chassis!
Edited by mwhighlander, 16 October 2013 - 09:52 AM.
Posted 16 October 2013 - 09:47 AM
Edit: Onto the guys above me statement, with the whole reverting to battlemech status, our mechs aren't out in the field in the Mech lab, they are where the engineers have all the tech to change the hardwiring and such. Until CW comes out, there is no field changing/repairing. But in the case that it does come up, yes I can agree with you. The mech reverts to a battlemech until it gets properly rewired (big cbill cost).
Edited by Silence Jin Mang, 16 October 2013 - 09:53 AM.
Posted 16 October 2013 - 10:16 AM
Edited by daneiel varna, 16 October 2013 - 10:18 AM.
Posted 16 October 2013 - 10:18 AM
Truth to be told , IS Battlemechs in MWO are just more than omnies ..

Posted 16 October 2013 - 10:34 AM
Posted 16 October 2013 - 11:09 AM
pbiggz, on 16 October 2013 - 10:34 AM, said:
So they could do what they didn't for IS mechs..Sized hardpoints, finally!

Posted 16 October 2013 - 11:52 AM
Posted 16 October 2013 - 12:41 PM
daneiel varna, on 16 October 2013 - 11:52 AM, said:
Sadly it is what is going to be. They chose fully customizable Battlemechs for the Inner Sphere..
If they to the same for Clan 'Mechs adding omni-slots LOT of people will rage and quit from IS..
Posted 16 October 2013 - 12:46 PM
Omnimechs have some flexibilities. And I'd like to see those in MWO. But where are they flexible? In the mechlab not the battlefield. So this is what I'd like to see.
When you purchase an Omnimech, you purchase the chassis and its base Alternate Configuration. You effectively get 3-4 mechs for the price of one. Obviously the Omnimech will be slightly more expensive than a Battlemech of the same weight class and tech base (I'm addressing mechs like the Owens, Sunder, Templar, and Hauptmann too) to compensate for that. But you're still getting a pretty good deal.
Ok whats the catch? Omnimechs have restrictions. While they can be refitted on the fly. They can't really be altered like Battlemechs can. Duct tape and 550 cord only goes so far. Engine, Armor, internal heatsinks, and internal structure cannot be altered. In addition the hardmounted items cannot be removed. Things like the CT flamer on the Puma, or the Left and Right torso DHS and LL DHS on the Daishi.
But wait, thats just a crappy BattleMech! I'm getting to the other benefits. To sort of build on and give an alternate option to the OPs ideas (I'm not trying to compete, just adding more ideas to the pot). These mechs would have hardpoints similar to the BattleMechs, but of course they would have omni slots too.
Say for example, the Daishi Prime, has 7 Omni criticals in each arm. You can fit any amount of weapons up to 7 criticals worth in each arm. For balance purposes, this might be limited to a total of 5 weapons each. In addition it would have a Missile Slot in the LT.
The Daishi A would have Less criticals and weapon amounts in the arms then the Prime, but 2 Missile slots in the LT. And the other configurations would have similar pod space.
But where's the flexibility?
They have stated the want for a game mode where you play multiple matches in a row. The benefit of an omni mech is that for each variant you have weapons on. You can swap between them during the inbetween of rounds. Battlemechs will be forced to use whatever they were already using while Omnimechs will be able to switch inbetween rounds. So with one mech, you can bring long range fire support, missile support, or brawling depending on the situations.
That will be the main advantage to Omnimechs. What they lack in customization (as concerned with armor, engines, internals) they make up for with battlefield flexibility from the mechlab. Thus the restrictions are rather paltry in comparison now.
I would definitely add omnimechs to my collection if this was possible. Especially the Owens, Avatar, or Templar. Maybe even a Thor or Puma if I didn't have to switch faction base to use them lol.
As far as it goes to people saying all the ideas in this thread handicap them. You're getting a ERPPC that does 15 dmg, and fits in a CT. They won't be close to being handicapped. And remember, this affects Inner Sphere too. They get Omnimechs too eventually. We're not going to want anything that makes those DOA.
Posted 16 October 2013 - 12:59 PM
mwhighlander, on 16 October 2013 - 09:45 AM, said:
All clan weapons can be equipped on IS chassis. This is possible on MANY canon variants that utilize clan technology. Clan Equipment STAYS ON CLAN MECHS ONLY!
Weapons - Mix Tech
Equipment - Pure Tech.
Sorry, no Clan DHS or Endo on your IS chassis!
Sarna Omnimech page:
The modular attachment points to mount OmniMech weaponry and equipment (equipment constructed in an OmniMech Pod) renders such equipment incompatible with standard BattleMechs. Even for identical classes and brands of equipment, only the ammunition can be used interchangeably
Posted 16 October 2013 - 01:49 PM
kevin roshak, on 16 October 2013 - 12:59 PM, said:
Sarna Omnimech page:
The modular attachment points to mount OmniMech weaponry and equipment (equipment constructed in an OmniMech Pod) renders such equipment incompatible with standard BattleMechs. Even for identical classes and brands of equipment, only the ammunition can be used interchangeably
For the sake of making this game not a total headache, I mentioned that while equipment should be puretech, weaponry should be mixed tech, as anything else will just add convolution to an already intimidating-to-newbies system. That and there are plenty of IS and clan battlemechs that make use of mixed tech weapons, the easiest way to implement that is to do away with the idea that only omni-pod weapons can fit in omni-mechs.
Posted 16 October 2013 - 03:44 PM
pbiggz, on 16 October 2013 - 01:49 PM, said:
For the sake of making this game not a total headache, I mentioned that while equipment should be puretech, weaponry should be mixed tech, as anything else will just add convolution to an already intimidating-to-newbies system. That and there are plenty of IS and clan battlemechs that make use of mixed tech weapons, the easiest way to implement that is to do away with the idea that only omni-pod weapons can fit in omni-mechs.
Intimidation to the newbies? I don't remember anyone having issues with mixed tech in previous games. Even MW4 had a IS vs Clan mode where you had to use puretech.
You all are selling people up short. People do eventually learn how to jump over the first goomba in SMB1.
I do agree with not having a difference between omniweapons and regular weapons. The only thing that would serve is a money sink. But Clan mechs I believe should only use clan weapons and IS mechs use IS weapons and then just balance them out like MW4 and MWLL did it. (Maybe more so how MW4 did it... Clanners had issues in MWLL during puretech games)
Posted 16 October 2013 - 03:51 PM
Posted 16 October 2013 - 04:36 PM
On another note, how could omnimech pilot lab/skill trees work? I haven't seen anyone else mention this and I'm curious to see what ideas people have.
daneiel varna, on 16 October 2013 - 03:51 PM, said:
PGI has said many things in the past that turned out not to be true. I'm not saying if that's a good thing or not but I still think its worth mentioning.
Edited by IDG, 16 October 2013 - 04:39 PM.
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